CLEPA PR on the Climate Law: “Long-term planning essential, regular check against delivery too”
The Commission adopted yesterday the proposal for a Climate Law, containing the “binding objective of climate neutrality in the Union by 2050”, the right for the Commission to adopt the post 2030 trajectory in comitology, as well as a framework to implement corresponding policies and to assess progress on Union and member state level.
Sigrid de Vries, Secretary General of CLEPA, the association of automotive suppliers’ in Europe: “We consider the climate law as one instrument of several within a comprehensive strategy on mitigating climate change, reaching climate neutrality in 2050. We support the development of a long-term EU strategy to reduce GHG emissions because of the inherent opportunity to provide planning certainty for companies. It should be built on a clear definition of what constitutes climate neutrality and on an assessment of the impact of such a law on the citizens and companies within the EU to ensure that we maintain the balance of ecologic, economic and social aspects.
“The reduction of GHG emissions depends largely on technological innovation, its deployment and acceptance by citizens. It is not possible to forecast reliably such progress or prescribe it by policy in the long-term perspective up to 2050, making regular reviews of the effectiveness of the strategy and potentially adjustments necessary. Similarly, GHG emissions will have to be reduced substantially outside the EU as well for the policy to be effective. Such reduction should be considered in the review of the EU climate policy.”
“In the Climate Law, there is no reference to policy developments in other important regions of the world, such as China or the US. The Climate Law foresees to assess progress towards climate neutrality but not the policy approach itself, whereas a regular check of being on the right track would benefit from such assessment too.”
“The automotive suppliers’ industry in Europe is a driving force behind the transformation to sustainable, safe, and smart mobility. We support the Paris agreement and are ready to contribute to a reliable, technology-open, and ambitious regulatory framework to achieve its objectives. We urge the European legislators to build on Europe’s strengths—the single market, the continent’s advanced technology competence, its high value-add industrial base and global competitiveness—and to provide the coordinated and comprehensive regulatory framework needed to master the monumental tasks unfolding.”
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